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Inspection Reports

ISI 'Excellent in all areas' INSPECTION REPORT 2023

We are delighted to announce that Charterhouse Square has been judged by the ISI to be ‘excellent in all areas’.

In April 2023, ISI inspectors examined both our compliance and educational standards. In an exceptionally thorough process, Parents, staff, and Upper House children were invited to complete questionnaires, over 70 lessons were observed, and the majority of staff were interviewed in some capacity. In addition, children’s books, teacher’s planning and all school procedures and policies were scrutinised.

Charterhouse Square School has achieved the highest category of ‘excellent’ in both areas ‘quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements’ and ‘quality of pupils’ personal development’. In addition, all eight areas of the compliance inspection were met.

This judgement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our teaching teams and recognises what a very special place Charterhouse Square is.

ISI 'Excellent in all areas' INSPECTION REPORT 2019

"The school meets the standards in the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014, and relevant requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, and associated requirements.

The curriculum is documented, supported by appropriate plans and schemes of work for the pupils and covers the required breadth of material. The teaching enables pupils to make good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources. A suitable framework for the assessment of pupils’ performance is in place.

Arrangements are made to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils by means that pay due regard to current statutory guidance.

Pupils are properly supervised; admission and attendance registers are maintained, as required, and there is a strategic approach to risk assessment."

ISI 'Excellent in all areas' INSPECTION REPORT 2016

In 2016, Charterhouse Square School was judged to provide an outstanding education for its pupils. The SIS noted:

The quality of education is outstanding as are pupils’ learning and achievement.
Teaching and assessment and the curriculum are also outstanding.
There is a clear focus on promoting the academic achievement of pupils and the school does this exceptionally well. The school also gives its pupils a full and rounded education within which they have ample opportunities to take part in a very wide range of competitive and recreational sports and to develop their creative and musical talents.

Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding as is their personal development. The school promotes the welfare, health and safety of its pupils exceptionally well.

The leadership, management and governance of the school are outstanding. They are highly effective, and ensure that all of the independent school standards are met.

"The effectiveness of the Early Years Foundation Stage is also outstanding, thereby enabling the youngest children to make excellent progress. "

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Come and see our fantastic school in action during an Open Event or Nursery Viewing Day. We can promise you a warm welcome to Charterhouse Square School.

Pupils make excellent progress in their development of knowledge, skills and understanding. This is as a result of well-planned lessons and high expectations of teachers.

 – ISI Inspection Report 2023

Ofsted Report 2012

"Charterhouse Square School provides an outstanding education for its pupils. It very successfully meets its aims. The school rightly prides itself on the exceptional contribution it makes in developing pupils’ self-assurance and overall well-being.

It makes outstanding provision for the curriculum and teaching and in promoting the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Pupils thrive at the school, make outstanding progress and the overwhelming majority say they enjoy school. The school has improved significantly since the last inspection: concerted and highly effective improvements have resulted in improved progress in literacy and mathematics.

It now meets all regulations, including those for safeguarding. The provision for pupils’ welfare, health and safety is outstanding."

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